Sat Sep 21 2024 04:54:20 CEST
Bugzilla would like to put a random quip here, but no one has entered any.
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
30 Varia Flow werner ASSI --- Files & Places 2007-09-30
49 Varia Flow werner ASSI --- DelFile <zone> <filepattern> 2007-09-30
95 Varia Flow werner ASSI --- Database Default tables 2007-11-08
46 Varia Flow werner RESO FIXE Import command in a zone for each file 2007-09-30
47 Varia Flow werner RESO FIXE GetFile(s) <zone> <target> <filepattern> 2007-09-30
48 Varia Flow werner RESO FIXE CatFile <zone> <file> 2007-09-30
50 Varia Flow werner RESO FIXE PutFile <zone> <target> <filepattern> 2007-10-27
65 Varia Flow werner RESO FIXE Database Locations 2007-11-02
8 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Flow" component of the "Varia" product